™ ae ee eee. * 7 = <0 ee y Se frre rena
‘2 S ~ " “* os. oS . me ¢ Nis ~
Balance on Hand, Jan. 1, 16040 .-. 2 9s « « «© Blioeod
Receipts for the Year:- Anmuel Dues « .« 2 « « «= «+ « Be4.00 Initiation Fees .« « « « e e 18.00 Life Memberships. .« « « « « #0200 Interest on Bank Balances: Suffolk Savings Bank $5.6 Provicent Institution for Savings 8.9214.2
Total Receipts . « « « SisleZ7
DisbdDursements for the Year:
Postage . cet 05 me aes ee
Relic Be DOS Tor Lv40.. . « « 5-00 Carfare and Stamps. .« « « e 5260 Entertainment of Guest... 1.20 Flowers for Stafford. ... 0200
Phone calls, stationery, and miscellaneous . « « « « « « 5280
Total Expenses. ». » « »« $20.20 Gein tor, tae. Year... «s+ ss sen Some OS
Balance on Hand, December 31, 1940 ..... $879.61
Suffolk Savings Bank. . . .$373.19 Provident Institution
for Savings . « « « « «0°. 495665 we Cesh om Hag. « s « ie «Ce oar
. a) - 7 a _ ‘ i) > «6 a ‘ = a4 5 [ee . “4 . + a oy wn) ‘a4 .
; i 3 Re Bis 0 nee a? Lb Ss a iee <. es HE “ih OH * Bp Fh. aes rola a ae t iia LIC ie
Receipts have increased over the previous year by
951.28 in 1940. During the year 1940 we elected nine new members.
We now have a membership of forty three members of
which thirty seven pay annual dues.
At present there are no bills outstanding against
me Society for 1940.
There are three delinquent membvers--LeBlanc, Ouimet,
and Waldhiem.
Thanks are due Dr. Stienberg for his generous contri-
bution of time and postage.
The treasurer would like to express his thanks and appreciation for the assistance given him when he
could not attend the meetings.
son, Treasurer
Pas te8
@fise anf : FRE) 6 4 ge ; ; af : » 4 ? 7 jee 8 as) - Se +e ee ~ 26) > iv > rm 4 Tne - + eopepell
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in his university days. In 1906, membership in the British Numis-
"Uae when half way through, he became : : = :
: t . ¥ = : matic Society, the American Orien- = EG 20 Gy) a member of the American Numis-/+,) society, the Society for the Pro- curator during his~first “year “of| gon and Beta Theta Pi fraternity
meperati, and serve, Sntnt| and honorary mempetanp i, th y on the co e society! oocieté Royale de Numismatique
EDWARD T NEWELL ph 1910 iat his — He aa de Belgique. He was also a mem- f it Me hd . \ 2 e society 5) herof the Century Club.
: 1] Archer M. Huntington Medal. He |
board of governors since 1915. He leaves a widow, the former Recipient of Medals Adra Nelson Marshall of Jersey In 1918 he was named a benefac- City, whom he married April 22,
st hs a i 1909: also a sister, Miss Moyca —————— f tlet d re th ’ ’ tor of the society, and received the 101) of Bedford Hills, N. Y.
President of the American] received the Medal of the Royal * ap a ie Soci Aik ~ Numismatic Society in 1925 for dis- ociety an uthority on tinguished service in numismatic |
. H research.
Greek Coins Dies Mr. Newell, who was @ specialist | } in the coinage of the Sassanians, | | ‘ Mohammedans, Indians and Byzan- HONORED FOR RESEARCH |} tines, was author of five numis- - matic studies, nine booklets pub- 7 lished by the Numismatic Society ‘eG and thirty articles which have ap- {i Head of New York Chapter of peared both in this country and in
! ia Bad ; . Europe in numismatic journals. H- \L Fe Archaeological Institute— His knowledge of the numismatics Y Served in World War of the Greek and Roman worlds
was said to be so exceptional that his help was relied upon by stu- ) : dents everywhere.
Edward Theodore Newell, presi- He became president of the Muse- dent of the American Numismatic}, um of the American Numismatic Society since 1916 and one of | Society and during his administra- eae $43 | tion gained a world-wide reputation
ADIGA sptetares ape en on housing collections said to be of |
Greek ‘coins, died on Tuesday after- great educational value,
noon in Manhattan of a heart ail- H of Archaeology Group _lment at the age of 55. His home .
{ in Hailsite, L.. 2 Mr. Newell was recently named |
ENV aS <AtMirs 5. pas oka & | president o fthe New York chapter tir, Newell was born, in Kenosha, || of the Archaeological Institute of ||
| Wis., on-Jan. 15,1886, the son of| America. He was treasurer of the}
i ferederien ‘Seth Newell and Frances | Huntington Free Labraxy 7 | 1a cei in: ‘Reading Room since , and a Cecelle aa He mas. redusyes | delegate of the American Numis- },
from ‘Yale -with a BA. degree in} matic Society to the American -4907, Two years later, he received | Council of Learned Societies from }
i ‘a Master's degree there. . . | | 1937, to, 1940. re
| ithe piuitary Intelligence) Division | Seater eerin Onin t , Ag Sioa
| sasciifs
bs ' Mr. Newell’s interest in choice ~ aie | | i , ° , | A Fellow o fthe Royal Numis-} NY TIMES coins was said to have developed) _atic Society, Mr. Newell also held |,
THE NB eaeSoclete ie stire assistant| otion of Hellenic Studies in Lon-|
r f i = : : ;
a) a
223 @ >
Smeets emai ce iow ee = eee ara + aa ae Pager 7 5 yl : 4 nel is ° Ty a eae OR Bren et , | MAPA
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Wr. Walter P, Nichols 212 W. Emerson Street Velrose, Mass.
xr “Nalter:
Yonight as you may have heard the 3oston Numismatic Society is turnin: its Mav meeting intoa
sort of Numismatic Conference tc which we havs tnvited almost all knom numismstists in Yew Engiande-ladiaa, boO6c
Of course, it is tw eariy to “new how 4t will turn out but we are anticipating @ Zood tin the last meeting all of our memoers © e you might be able to be with us and %: they feared you could not.
Th@ authorize me toa gee you on beh
he Society the few flowers which accompany thi
ns a feeble appreciation of all an have done f
, and the affection in which we ali
ne on I will try to tell vou how the seetine nt off.
c oe $9
With all vest wisnes,
Sait? a! 7 Fr 7 + O30 OF 989 tye
7642 setnee « rr <a lo cA ihe /- : ie of 6S chile cap ‘ae Ailitee Sey © -_
=" lie oo ; a 7 7 2 l-449 ee & oy 2 ar z. ® = 7 —— : : B; ; Tt bee. af a a4 @n* ancl aa hig : SV0Li. ae) ade wer q ao Ee » 4 POlJal cevpag Pag of my [oq 5 rt : Ao a : alanis : | imiseells ody San Geen => § ~~ 6 ‘ | ; (oe — : _ ~ Te sijgesz - } ‘ to ; : - 4 A 4 7%, T 2) a.
Ete See oe | = ag ae Dm as SELL — ALE Lies xe, | |
+ aE WAthir. mae -
Pe. gee 1796 Loe ae
Lo Oo FKe — 14 JS GZ 7 ae 2
Bi. A D0 20a Aff 5 -Be eer i eer a: tf Ge 502 Lene 5 yy
FG 08 - YO) 22 | Ctibfpiaan Ip mrs |
Pas te Pie fin te ty | ty ye -~ art GE ya ee ; 2 Ae pgm: Ouintfiere OL, Sie. 4 Lda tet pe OD q74
ey be, me = >< =< _ . “> : ae a ~ < _ - _ e Ss Pes — y Ss ? 4 q7ee —_ Ter. ¥ ee . e a 4 i x a - ~ ie < a * eo > 7 7 - \ Se . @a * ~~" Se ‘.. Ss a > >. @ . wae
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p) 0 a Y ‘. \ eee, aK a ay } | | ‘adoung pus EOQRTS PEQTUQ ot} UT SETQETVOS
(i A | OFPBUSTUNU PuppReT 04 peqna pas TP sea ‘aBquieu Woe OF PDoyuesedd : t.% 4 t i% ; ‘ nS Supaq sepysdq {Yo TUM [Spo UEAT TS, oMOBpusy Bw Jo .SuTApsys ouz Aq * pezerqeTed sum SBT UT Mavscenyuye URGL si fye}oos ous —‘Aeuow aaded 3 X : ‘oe t ae. 2 1799 & \9 pus sTepeus*suzog Jo SupgopTt yo pus Lphgs oy} OF PeFOMEP UOFFEAPUBLLO
: . -[BPoOTommoo-uou vw sy ‘BLAIS peqpU CUF UL QUTO ,SHOFPSTTEO ULOo gsepTe
pAtUZ eU2 pus OOLT UP pepumoy {AqOTIOG OFA ums um WoQsaY oY
. ey} WE SaPaTUXe UITM T8al
OUZ SOUTS degovrseue spuy fo awokoY"Zueg codk J ASOW SUZ SQ OG PaQodedxe je DO} .
: \e pus SSTATO 4oyTE OVO ACR AOY, MOA OZreuH® ugoo anoux STTBuPTgeu Aq <4 \. | \ | \ Rh § | \ \ seyoeede epufouy [TT pM MedVoud.04} isu; P ARTY TeusM eug SepTsed
wie 04 eotUedejUucD OTGtwsTuMa Teraved Ye oguy qurg AQTO woqsog ouy 4%
pugcg Asy ‘Aspfay Buyqeow ATUQUOW 4xKoU Say UNA [T}M SPUBTZUY MON UT
QUTO ,SATOZOOTTOO ufFoOo Huppwet fLyoToog ofFqewmszuny uogsog ol,
y eiegae de tap rs gia |
paledere a! tutional” (ae 5 ekeoelath es 7% sda at? pres : im apl¥is Goald ‘pe ots we pow Gievingks Bp Mite ahlans thee re 0 dé hd atime ts jer aps 46 6+ ai a tutphts m2 ‘sobbed
—-_. i? oe a fy ec? anale.s@b4euett 2UO 1) es ane Sy: Fis @ et pe tgh agate be, . i _” > 2akt wl 96 wou ) Set “alice sige 1£°¢-02 > oat bland =e | ; : : : a, x : : Ls cis Gee — waves om a of bei ie gm te Faas , f ; « : 7 Pa sidy » es 4" = : -—- Za? a4 foro 7 w.4 > jeaTh ente<- eff A al vtoabed<fao © §). (Opes 4e21, 2:9 22. tudo Lewe4 (144 Hleos Jeablia Le }. on . | , Bec tLébie ,,SADSe De PATOL F6y. 5OE08 oC? ¢! Dei oe ook) acl cre ic | Setaqeelss a28 ORL =) Qeep pases GeeY E' qi gloce of ors ty} ec : mi2¢¢ | eahrags aay A [bem cevila edcotaat 4,54 Peldlsie@ «4! ‘i. 0 Pang bie ginal oe) bodonttandrd ede tose fad @ Solan ce . JA : J ied et ©, or, leone oe Bete peGsc? eti7 vi sek, _. é 7 “a ba @ ; P ; , : 5 ‘ ‘ :
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MNTGH coyyecprona yu sy7T
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FIN Tee VOXP WouPePTA weepyzve ALTGEA”® Wek S319
fA ] JJ
kal ieee
20-4) Bt i
4 fe (3 0 ton AG bas ¢~ | 4 ¢
Notice has been received from Be ~ Mr. Shepard Pond, President of the sy : Boston Numismatic Society, that ) their next dinner and meeting will be held Friday evening, May 23, i here at the Club. Dinner will be mes at 6.30 P.M. ($1.25), dress infor i mal. The meeting will begin at | 8 o'clock. The program will in Ss, clude SeV eral prepared talks by ex na ' perienced numismatists on subjects ods Tae of current interest. ae 5g
Members of The Boston City a af Club, their families and guests, are ah
cordially invited. Dinner reserva tions should be made at once with Mr. Ernest R. Shackford, Secre tary, 20 Garfield Street, Cambridge.
| | |
=a Dné eamnih tram Gabe amners ywiied [46 of maps. ds iw w Gedy mm (9163) Veen &- “a ~~ ooo ecy ho : =a TGeS sa i o wea, | ofa) Ohaaes ore ate A= Ge Gals = iene, a
aaa! ror) on. “pe! wole Mey beet) loaves yes —_— os =" Wl tile ems . Ss) @ued 4 taeeD att WPirhice) egy it isa he (Ome
ee nl
n= =s20
s :
New England
. Numismatic Conference
f cey 4 Py : = ———— Sey BT | aed ‘ vA uo me a7 ho 7 Lpy we | a3 bt 1} 7 4 r | . | )| | | | we - o 1] 4” Tv ne || Oo | aveo . - * / Tal J | i r - I 1 | | 1} | \| : \ a’ / 1} » « oO | ~— > < y } «+ . |
Held under the auspices t of the = Boston Numismatic Society a at the | 7 Boston City Club H Boston, Mass.
May 23, 1941 |
baund woVi sonesino.) sisernaunn A on. a.
roiga: ods volen Molt alt Vo
ody ae
dul iD eoteod aif oopeml
dd yod | =o dYDD puD WupaayD aI] =r Jajjng puvd sjjoy SdOJDJOg pala] YIuas] IngIyYH Ys8et7 peiosd
snbpavdsy YsaiJ
snbpavdsy Yysa2-f S90JDIOg pala. YIuary
YDAIS aINUulpy pajioigd jo an10y7y
SMO Japmoyy UlD]D punjbuy Many SM
saayoO SaysipDy A2ajay ]1D14I0ZD INA]
SS Ga”
“‘SUGIYXe jo Avjdsip pue purjsuq May Ul soeWsIuUINU jo UOTSsNos!
_URaUesIdIPaAy oy punosy Bunun} UIOD UI saduatiedxgq,, ONIMAG Ԥ YOHLY
_,810}99][0Z) Jasuno X ay} 0} Yyovoiddy oy) pure soijvustuMpy Jo amnjnz ey L,,
jsijplusMUN Ny ay J ‘4011p jJupIsis YMOTING ‘WF CIAY
_ satanoy pue AroNstpy Sif ‘PlIOAY 24} JO sAauo|y JO UOl}a]JOD yur [eUOCTIeNY eseyD a L,, ‘UO1DI. -OSSY INDLUSILUNAT UDINIIUIY ‘8I0UIBAOD JO psbog ‘saqui NMOUd “J NONUS
‘s1ayvads JO UOT}INpOIJUI puke FWOdI]IM Jo SSaIPpY *AJ3I90G sjVUISIUNAY UuoIsOg Jo BSuNayy AjqIUOY_Y “W'
‘IIUUIC] ‘SuUOTIINpOI]U] pure Ajquiassy “YJ
Sahota woelga’ ualA
- ee S vada) —— : 7 busid GronilA Seluur nwee =e aa ar =a) wueres=ye vomaunh, sueveet? iat tated ban dees sora lA dees) ot cyumbd We emi dead th 3. | cyte Aga * ere, bay of & : a v . | AvrOs TFL envy ntiinh (hy 4 bel nA Sera, WAT we ibe sets evynaasl, dass ssotanctl bait ducal On wh Demme? wit bad edicapinny 4 - ouirlerd rly Srila. sperm" wattull Low slat MAL: J¥ is a : Perrier <2 eeu) Winsted be pis) of F ott) bow ment aah : ~ Rammer hh wis dew A gin on 7 7 whe ees ae Me yolguh Ge basize!! ws > os etal,
be (3 0th on by Clef |
otice has be Shepard Ponc ». Numisma next dinner eld Friday e at the Club. 30 P.M. ($1. The meetit clock. The | » several prep tee numism urrent interes ths of T
», their famili ially invited. S should be m Ernest R. S 20 Garfield St
6.30 P.M.
8.00 P.M.
Mr. VERNON Member, i
“The C Worl
Mr. DAVID N Assistant
“The | You
Mr. HORACI “The ‘
Open discussio
Boston Numismatic Society Boston, Mass. Founded 1860
Third Oldest Numismatic Society in the United States
Officers for 194]
SAMUEL S. REYNOLDS Vice-President and Curate
; re a ‘ae, ) , a M9 Offs : i ‘ | MA Oos
ee Swemacw comf
ald auiorl Oebi beaneY _ (aie) 41 o) Gevte? NicctnaeY, wi (oe malty OA = | pol . ouiaae . i? veda nC GHA, P eam ionic wns DSN 2 JOULE Riahden aaa : eae | KAMA VN VAM a a
0981 |
f3p}a19a$ Jaanspaa [>
$3jDJ pajluy ay) ul fijai20
First New England Numismatic Conference
The Boston Numismatic Society cordially invites you to attend its next dinner and meeting, Friday evening, May 23rd, at the Boston City Club,
14 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass.
Dinner will be at 6:30 P.M., daylight saving time. Price $1.25 per person and the reputation of the Boston City Club’s cuisine assures us of a fine dinner. Dress strictly informal. Those unable to attend the dinner will be very welcome at the meeting and conterence which will begin at 8.P: VE.
following the dinner.
It is hoped especially that numismatists who attend will bring their ladies
whose presence will add greatly to the pleasure of the occasion.
The program will include several prepared talks by experienced numis- matists on subjects of current interest and there will be a splendid opportunity
to meet old acquaintances and make new ones.
Please be sure to bring some of the more interesting pieces in your collec- tion as we hope to make the exhibits a special feature of the Conference which
will be the most important numismatic gathering in New England since the
1927 convention of the A. N. A. in Hartford. To make certain of proper accommodations at the dinner please write for reservations not later than Monday, May 19th. ALL COMMUNICA-
President Boston Numismatic Society.
May 12, 1941.
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