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REGULATIONS, etc., etc
By J. J. KELIHER & 00., Ltd., Marshalsea Road, S.E.
To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, Limited, 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.C. ;
and 54, St. Mary Street, C&udiff; or
H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23. Forth Street,
•Edinburgh ; or
E. PONSONBY, Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin ;
or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies,
the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad oj
-far - -- ,-
l»rice Three Shilling's.
The Merchant Seaman is de- pendent upon
" Dreadnought" for relief in time of illness or accident.
Among the patients of the "Dreadnought" are many men whohaveserved their time in the Royal Navy.
The old " Dreadnought" tying in the Thames off Greenwich.
Seamen's Hospital Society
Chairman of Committee: Vice- Chairman:
Perceval A. Naifne, Esq. Captain Francis M. Ommanney, R.N.
Bankers : Messrs. WILLIAMS DEACON'S BANK, Limited.
Secretary : P. J. Michelli, Esq., C.M.G.
The Officers of the Senior Service have always given generous support to the "Dreadnought" in caring for the ill and injured men of the Merchant Service.
On the election of Admiral H.S.H. Prince Louis of Battenberg to the office of President, the Committee earnestly appeal for new sub- scribers and for collections.
A list of Officers and Ships who have contributed in the past will be. forwarded on application to the Secretary.
Address for Contributions,
The Secretary,
Greenwich, S.E.
[ Crown Copyright Reserved.
Bg Hutftoritg,
OCTOBER, 1914,
Corrected to
The 18th SEPTEMBER, 1914.
By j.j. KELIHER & Co., Ltd., 11, Marshalsea Road, S.E.
To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from
WYMAN & SONS, Limited, 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.C. ; and
54, St. Mary Street, Cardiff ; or
H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street,
Edinburgh ; or
E. PONSONBY, Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin ;
or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies,
the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of
T. FISHER UN WIN, London, W.C.
Officers and others who may notice errors or omissions in the List are invited to communicate direct with
The Editor of the Navy List,
London, S.W.
Such communications should NOT be sent to the Printers or Publishers. They should be marked " On His Majesty's Service," and need not be stamped.
No Appointments made after the 18th of the Month pre- ceding publication can be inserted in the body of the Navy List until the following List is published.
The following Officers must send annually between 1st January and 31st March a notification to the Editor of their being alive, otherwise their names will be removed from the List : —
Officers on the Retired List who have commuted their
Retired pay. Officers retired with a gratuity.
Officers of the late Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers. Officers on the Emergency List of over 55 years of age.
Retired or Honorary Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve must also send annually, between the same dates as mentioned above, a similar notification to the Registrar General of Seamen in order to prevent their names being removed from the List.
Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles should immediately notify the same to the Secretary of the Admiralty, in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Navy List and in the Official Records of the Admiralty
The Navy List is compiled and published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the convenience of the Service ; but, as errors may occasionally occur, their Lordships must expressly reserve their right to determine the status of any Officer according to the actual circumstances of the case, inde- pendently of any Entry in the Navy List.
By command of their Lordships,
The attention of Officers on the Retired Lists, desirous of being considered in the awards of Naval and Greenwich Hospital Pensions, is directed to the necessity of applying to the Secretary to the Admiralty for the forms as to services, claims, circum- stances, &c, required to be filled up by the candidates.
These Pensions are established for the purpose of affording relief to such retired officers as may be in the opinion of the Admir- alty most deserving, provided they have the necessary service, &c, required to render them eligible in accordance with Articles 1928-9 of the King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions of 1913.
(91,231). Wt. 23,412/181 12,000. 10—1914 J. J. K. & Co. Ltd.
Abbreviations ..... xv, Accountant- General of the Navy
— Department of the . 535
Accountant Officers —
List of 179
Retired, List of . . . .697 Royal Naval Reserve, Regula- tions as to . . . . 921 Acting Sub- Lieutenants, List of 147a
Acting Warrant Officers, List of,
in Seniority . . , . 221a
Active List —
Alphabetical List of Officers on . 2 List of Officers on, in Seniority . 85 Officers allowed on . . 823
Removals from . . . .963
Royal Naval Reserve . . . 444 Addresses, telegraphic, Admiralty
Establishments . . . xviii. Admiral Commanding Coast Guard and Reserves — Office of . . . . .423 Admirals, List of, in Seniority . 86
Admirals of the Fleet, List of, in
Seniority . . . . .85 Admirals of the Fleet, Retired, List
of, in Seniority .... 629 Admirals, Retired, List of, in
Seniority .... 629, 632 Admiralty — 531
Accountant-General's Depart- ment ..... 535 Air Department . . . .534 Chaplain of the Fleet. . . 539 Colonial Courts of 572
Compass Branch . . ,533a
Contract and Purchase Depart- ment ..... 539 Dockyard Department . . 533a Dockyard Expense Acoounts
Department. .... 533a Engineer in Chief's Department 533a Greenwich Hospital Department 539 Hydrographic Department , 632
Judicial Department . . , 570 Jurisdiction of . . . . 570 Medical Department . . 536
Naval Construction Department 533 Naval Equipment Department . 533
Admiralty — cont.
Naval Ordnance Department . 534 Naval Stor." Department . .533a Navigation Department . . 533 Pattern Rooms .... 539 Secretary's Department . . 531 Telegraphic Addresses . xviii. Transport Department . . 536 Victualling Department . . 635
War Staff 532
Works Department . . . 537 Admiralty, Lords Commissioners of
the 81, 531
Admiralty of Great Britain and
Ireland, Jurisdiction of . . . 570 Admiralty Volunteer Committee . 522 Agents —
Law 571
Navy and Prize .... 957 Surgeons and .... 565 Aides-de-Camp to the King, Naval
and Marine . . . .78
Air Department . . . . 534
Air Service —
Officers of, in Seniority . . . 148 Air Stations ..... 431 Albert Medal —
Officers and Men to whom
awarded . . , .762
Statutes of . . . .930
Allowances —
Compassionate, for children of
Officers 893
Equipment, for Retired Officers
Voluntarily Re-employed . 941
To children of widows of men 915
To Ship's Company, scale of . 788
Almanac, Nautical, Office. . . 540
Alphabetical Index of Officers —
Of Royal Indian Marine . . 435 Of Royal Naval Reserve . . 444 Of Royal Naval Volunteer
Reserve ..... 521 On the Active List, Royal Navy
and Royal Marines ... 2 On the Retired and Reserved Lists, Royal Navy and Royal
Marines 597
Alphabetical List of Retired Officers, Royal Navy and Royal Marines . 597
Alphabetical List of Ships and Vessels of the Royal Navy, with their Officers, and present Stations 266 Alterations of Forms . . . 965 Apprentices, Dockyard, entry of . 885 Armourers, Warrant, List of, in
Seniority 238
Artificer Engineers —
Chief, List of, in Seniority . 229
List of, in Seniority . . . 231 Scale of Pensions for . . . 813 Artificers, Boy, Regulations for
entry of . .884
Artillery Volunteers, Royal Naval
(late). List of Officers of . . 731 Assessors for Shipping Casualties . 571 Assessors under Supreme Court of
Judicature Act . . . .570 Assistant Clerks —
Entry of, Regulations as to . 875 List of, in Seniority . . 191
Assistant Engineers, Retired —
Acting and First Class, List of,
in Seniority .... 689 List of, in Seniority . . . 689 Assistant Paymasters, List of, in
Seniority 187
Assistant Paymasters, Retired, List
of, in Seniority .... 703 Assistant Paymasters, Reserve of,
Regulations . . . . .921 Attache's, Naval .... 532 Australasian Branch of Royal Naval
Reserve 516
Australia, Naval Forces of Common- wealth of 584
Australian Fleet . . . 398a
Auxiliary Small Craft, List of . . 402o Badges, distinctive .... 792 Bath, Order of —
Knights, etc., of 744
Officers of 751
Qualifications for . . 925
Beaufort Testimonial . . . 854 Blue Ensign —
R.N.R. Officers authorized to fly. 582 Board of Admiralty . . 81, 531
Board of Trade Certificates of Com- petency and Service . . 939 Board of Trade Medal, List of
recipients 762a
Boatswains, Chief , List of , in Seniority 213 Scale of Pensions for . . .813
Boatswains, Chief Signal, List of, m
Seniority 220
Scale of Pensions for . .813
Boatswains, List of, in Seniority . 216 Scale of Pensions for . . .813 Boatswains, Signal, List of, in
Seniority 220
Scale of Pensions for . . . 813 Boy Artificers, Regulations for
entry of 884
Boy Artificers, Teaching Staff . . 568 Boy Artificers' ' Establishment,
Devonport (See under ' Indus.') Boy Artificers' Establishment, Portsmouth (See under ' Fisgard ') Boy Shipwrights, Entry of . . 886
Boys, Entry of 876
Boys Corps, R.N.V.R. . . .5306 Cadet Corps, Volunteer . . .530 b
Cadets, Naval- -
Entry and Training of . . 856
Entry of, from ' Conway ' . . 863
Canada, Establishments of . . 593
Ships of 398a
Captain Superintendent of Contract
Built Ships .... 533
Captain Superintendent of Torpedo Boat Destroyers building by
Contract 533
Captains —
List of, in Seniority . . .91 War Course for ... 947
Captains Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . 637
Promoted from Commanders' List,
List of 639
Promoted from Lieutenants' List,
List of ... . 646
Promoted from Staff Captains'
List, List of . . . .647 Promoted from Staff Com- manders' List, List of . . 648 Carpenters, Chief, List of, in Seniority 222 Carpenter Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority 192«
Carpenter Lieutenants, Retired . . 714 Carpenters, List of, in Seniority . 224
Scale of Pensions for . . .813 Certificates of Competency and
Service, Board of Trade . . 939 Chadwick Naval Prize . . . 854 Chaplain of the Fleet . . .163 Chaplain of the Fleet, Office of 539, 562
Chaplains —
Entry of, Regulations as to Honorary, to the King 'List of, in Seniority . Roman Catholic.
. 863 . 79 . 163 . 166
Chaplains, Entry of, Regulations as to 865
Chaplains of the Royal Navy holding Greenwich Hospital Livings . . 562
Chaplains of the Fleet, Retired, List of ....... 670
Chaplains, Retired, List of, in Seniority 670
Chief Artificer Engineers —
List of, in Seniority . . . 229 Pensioned, List of 720
Scale of Pensions for . . 818
Chief Boatswains —
List of, in Seniority . . . 213 Pensioned, List of . . .719 Scale of Pensions for . . . 813
Chief Carpenters —
List of, in Seniority . . . 222 Pensioned, List of . . 720
Officers Pensioned with relative
rank of Lieutenant , . 718
Scale of Pensions for. t . 813
Chief Engineers, Retired, List of, in Seniority ...... 682
Chief Gunners —
List of, in Seniority . . .193 Pensioned, List of 719
Scale of Pensions for . . . 813
Chief Inspectors of Machinery, Retired. List of, in Seniority . . 674
Chief Masters- at -Arm s —
List of, in Seniority . . .221a Scale of Pensi< ns for . . . 813
Chief Officers of Coast Guard . . 425
Chief Schoolmasters —
List of, in Seniority . . . 237 Pensioned, List of . . 720
Officers Pensioned with relative
rank of Lieutenant . .718
Regulations as to . . . 885 Scale of Pensions for . . .813a
Chief Signal Boatswains List of, in Seniority 220
Civil Departments of the Navy — (See Admiralty).
PAGE Civilian Dental Surgeons . . 564
Classification of Ships of Royal Navy 270d Clerks, List of, in Seniority . . 191 Clerks, Assistant —
Entry of, Regulations as to . 875
List of, in Seniority . . .191 Coast Guard —
Chief Officers of . . .425
District Paymasters of . .428# Inspecting Officers of Divisions . 424 Officers employed in Service of . 423 Officers of Districts of . . 429 Officers of Stations of . . 424 Scale of Pensions for Chief
Officers, etc., of . . . 813 Tenders, List of . . . . 431 Coast Guard and Reserves, Office of
Admiral Commanding . . . 423
Coast Guard Cruisers —
List of, with their Officers . 430
Officers of 428
Colleges —
Royal Naval College, Dart- mouth 559
Royal Naval College, Osborne . 560 Royal Naval College, Greenwich :
Officers of . , 557
Officers studying at 558
Royal Naval Codege, Key ham . 561
Royal Naval War College . . 561
Regulations . . 948
Colonial Courts of Admiralty . . 572
Commander Egerton Prize . . 854
Commanders — |
Flag, List of |
. 266 |
List of, in Seniority . |
. 9* |
War Course for . |
. 947 |
Squadron, List of |
. 148 |
Wing, List of • . |
. 148 |
Commanders on Reserved Half-Pay,
List of, in Seniority . . . 650 Commanders, Retired —
As Captains, List of . . . 639 List oil, in Seniority . . . 649 Promoted from Lieutenants' List,
List of . . . .650, 651 Promoted from Staff Com- manders' List, List of . . 659 Commissioners for Executing Office of Lord High Admiral, etc. . . 81
521 542
584 533
238& 813
Committees —
Admiralty Volunteer . Medical Consultative Board
Commonwealth of Australia —
Naval Forces . Compass Branch
Compassionate allowances for Child- ren of Officers .... 893
.Conspicuous Gallantry Medal 761, 928 Conspicuous Service Cross . . 760, 930 Constructors, Royal Corps of Naval . 543 Contract and Purchase Department,
Conveyance of Treasure, Proclamation
as to
" Conway," Entry of Cadets from Cookery, Instructors in — List of, in Seniority . Scale of Pensions for .
Course, War for Senior Officers, etc. 948
Courts —
Colonial, of Admiralty . . 572 Consular 572
Cruisers —
Coast Guard, List of, with their Officers 428
Coast Guard, Officers of . . 424 Dartmouth Royal Naval College. . 559 Deaths, Removals, etc. . . . 963 Declarations for Half and Retired
Decoration for Officers of the R.N.R.
& R.N.V.R
Decorations —
Order in which to be worn . Dental Surgeons, Civilian . Deputy Surgeons-General, List of,
in Seniority Deputy Surgeons-General and Deputy Inspectors- General of Hospitals and Fleets, Retired. List of in Seniority 692
807 923
829 564
Director of Air Departmeut
Director of Dockyards, Department of
Director-General of the Medical Department ....
Director of Naval Construction, De partment of . . ,
Director of Naval Education
Director of Naval Education, Office and Staff of
Director of Naval Equipment, De partment of .
Director of Naval Ordnance, Depart ment of
Director of ment of
Navigation, Depart
Directors-General of the Medical Department, Retired, List of .
Dispensers at Naval Medical Estab lishments ....
533 540
Distinctions, Honorary ,
Distinguished Service Order —
Companions of . . ,757b
Statutes of 929
District Paymasters, Coast Guard .428« Districts, Coast Guard, Officers of the 427 Divisional Officers of Coast Guard . 424 Dockyard Apprentices, Entry of . 886
Dockyards, Principal and other Officers in the .... 544
Dockyards, of the Dominions . . 8S3
Dockyard Schools, Teaching Staff 561
Dominion Naval Forces —
Australia . , . . .583
Naval Establishments . . 594
Ships of . . . 398a
Dress Regulations —
Naval Officers .... Petty Officers, Men and
Eoyal Marines ....
Education, Director of Naval .
Education, Director of Naval, Office and Staff of 557
. 557 . 593
Educational Establishments Of the Dominions
Egerton Prize, Commander . . 854 Electricians, Warrant, List of, in
Seniority 2386
Emergency Officers —
List of 721
Regulations as to . . . 942
Engineer Captains, List of, in
Seniority 149«
Engineer Captains, Retired —
Promoted from Engineer Commanders' List, List of 676
List of 674
Engineer Commanders, Retired — As Engineer Captain, List
of 677
List of, in Seniority . . . 682 Engineer Commanders, List of, in
Seniority 150
Engineer- in-Chief of the Fleet .149« Engineer-in-Chief, Department of .533a Engineer Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority 158
Engineer Lieu tenant- Commanders,
List of, in Seniority . . . 155 Engineer Lieutenants, Retired . 682, 715 Engineer Officers who have passed through Special Course of Training,
etc. " 149
Engineer Rear-Admirals —
List of, in Seniority . . .149*
Retired 674
Engineers, Artificer —
List of, in Seniority . . . 230 Scale of Pensions for . .813
Engineers, Chief Artificer, List of in
Seniority. . . 229
Engineers on the Pensioned List- List of in Seniority . . . 689
Engineers, Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . . 687 With Rank of Chief Engineer, List of 686
Entry and Examination of Officers — Physical Requirements for Candi- dates 863
Regulations as to . . .856
Entry of Dockyard Apprentices . 886
Entry of Boys and Youths . . 876
Equerries, Naval, to the King . . 78
Equipment Allowances of Retired Officers Voluntarily Re-employed 941
Examination and Entry of Officers —
Regulations as to . . . 856
Fishery Cruisers for Special Service .402/*
Flag Officers- List of, in Seniority . , .85 War Course for . . . . 887 Flag Officers, Retired, List of, in
Seniority .... 629, 633
Fleet Auxiliaries, &c. . . . 402 Fleet Engineers, Retired, List of,
in Seniority 678
Fleet Paymasters, List of, in Sen- iority 180
Fleet Paymasters, Retired, List
of, in Seniority .... 700 Fleet, Staff, and Chief Engineers,
retired as Inspector of Machinery 675 Fleet Surgeons, List of, in
Seniority 169
Fleet Surgeons, Retired, List of,
in Seniority 693
Flight Commanders. List of . . 148ff. Flight Lieutenants, List of . ,148a Flight Sub-Lieutc nants . . HSi
Foreign Languages —
Officers qualified as Interpreter
in 432
Officers studying abroad on
full pay 433d
Foreign Orders —
Officers Authorised to Wear on
all occasions . . . 763
Regulations as to Wearing . .925
Forms, Alterations of 966
Full Pay- Royal Marines .... 786 Royal Navy . . . .773
Garter, Order of, Knights of . . 744
Gilbert Blane Medal . . .854
Good Conduct Medals and Gratuities, Regulations as to . . . . 934
Goodenough Medal and Fund . . 854
Good Service Pensions —
List of Officers holding . . 736 Rules as to . . . .909
Graham Naval History Prize . . 854
Gratuities —
For Relatives of Officers . . 906 Good Conduct .... 934
Greenwich Hospital —
Admission of Boys to . . «72 Admission of Boys into Or- phanages, etc. at Expense of . 971 Admission of Girls into Schools,
etc., at Expense of . . . 973 Education Grants for Officers' Children . . .970
Greenwich Hospital Department . 539
Greenwich Hospital Livings held by
Chaplains of the Royal Navy . 562
Greenwich Hospital Pensions —
List of Officers in receipt of . 739 Rules as to (Men) . .914
Rules as to (Officers) . . . 910
Greenwich, Royal Hospital . . 562
Greenwich Royal Hospital School . 562
Greenwich, Royal Naval College —
Officers of .... 557
Officers Studying at the . . 558
Gunners, Chief, List of, in Seniority 193 Scale of Pensions for . .813
Gunners, List of, iu Seniority . 197
Scale of Pensions for . . 813
Gunners, Royal Marine, List of, in Seniority 262*
Gunnery School, Portsmouth (see under 'Excellent')
Half-pay —
Declaration form . . . 807 Officers Discharged to, from
Foreign Service . . . 811 Officers Discharged to, from
Home Service . . .812
Procedure for Placing on . .810 Royal Marines . . . .796^ Royal Navy . . . 793
Harbour Service, Ships on . .416
Harbour Service, Small Steam Vessels, Tugs, etc., Employed on . 402
Headquarters Staff of Royal Marines 240
Head Schoolmasters —
List of, in Seniority . . . 238 Regulations as to . . . £85 Scale of Pensions for . .813«
Head Stewards, List of, in Seniority238« Scale of Pensions for . .813
Head Wardmasters —
List of, in Seniority . . .238a Scale of Pensions for . .813
Honorary Chaplains to the King . 79
Honorary Distinctions . xvii
Honorary Lieutenants, List of . .716
Honorary Officers in His Majesty's Fleet ... 80
Honorary Officers of Royal Naval Reserve ..... 515
Honorary Physicians to the King . 79
Honorary Surgeons to the King . 79
Hospital, King Edward VII.'s for Officers 975
Hospital, Royal, Greenwich . . 562
Hospital School, Greenwich . 562
Hospitals, Naval —
Dispensers at . . . 5*14
List of, with their Officers . . 554 Store Matrons at . . .56 +
Hospital Ships and Carriers, List of . 402/
Hulks, Vessels Available for . . 409
Humane Society's Medals —
List of Recipients of . . . 960 Regulations as to Wearing . 939
Hydrographic Department, Ad- miralty ... . . 532
Imperial Service Order, Companions of 757a
Indian Empire, Order of, Knights etc., of 753*
Indian Marine, Royal —
Alphabetical Index of Officers of 435 Naval Establishments . . 593 Officers of, in Seniority . . 439 Relative Rank of Officers of .951/> Uniform for Officers of . .951 b
Inspector of Marine Recruiting . 261
Inspectors-General of Hospitals and Fleets, Retired List of, in Seniority 691
Inspectors of Machinery, Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . . 674 Promoted from Fleet, Staff, and . Chief Engineer . . . 675
Instructors in Cookery —
List of, in Seniority . . .238& Scale of Pensions for . . . 813 Intelligence Division of Admiralty,
War Staff 532
Interpreters —
Officers, Qualified as . Officers Studying Foreign Languages Abroad . Judicial Department Justice, High Court of, Admiralty Division ....
Keeper and Steward of Koyal Cabins
in H.M. Yacht . . . .238a Killed in action, Officers and Men . 82 King Edward VII's Hospital for Officers .....
King's Honorary Physicians, Surgeons
and Chaplains King's Naval and Marine Aides-de-
Camp 78
King's Naval Equerries . . .78 Lantern Slides —
List of, in local slide libraries 969a Law Agents ..... 571 Law Officers .... 570, 571 Levees, Regulations for . . .944 Lieutenant- Commanders —
List of, in Seniority . . . 107 Retired, List of, in Seniority . 660 Supplementary List, List of, in Seniority .... 141
Lieutenants —
Flight, List of . , . .148a Honorary, List of 715
List of, in Seniority . . . 122 Retired, List of, in Seniority . 660 Supplementary List, List of, in Seniority . . . ,uia Lifeboat Institution, Royal National,
Medal of 957
Livings, Greenwich Hospital held by
Chaplains of the Royal Navy . 562 Lards Commissioners of the Ad- miralty . . . .81, 531 Marine Aides-de-Camp to the King . 78 Marines, Royal —
Artillery, Officers of . . . 241 Artillery, Staff of . . .247 Dress Regulations . . . 848 Entry of . . .856*864
Full Pay of . . . . 786 Balf Pay of ... g04
Headquarters, Staff of . . 240
Marines, Royal — catttd.
Light Infantry, Officers of . 248
Light Infantry, Staff of . . 261 Numbers allowed on Active
List 825
Officers on Half-Pay, List of . 713 Officers of, in Seniority . . 240 Recruiting Staff Officers . . 264 Reserve of Officers . . .722a Reserve of Officers, Regulations
for . ... 942
Retired Officers, List of . . 705 Retirement of, General Rules as
to 819a
Marriage of Officers, Report of . Masters-at-Arms, Chief, List of Seniority .... Scale of Pensions for . Mates — List of, in Seniority Pension
Mechanical Training Establish- ments, Teaching Staff . Mechanicians' Establishment,
Chatham {see under • Pembroke ') Mechanicians, Warrant — List of
Scale of Pensions for . Medals — Albert
Board of Trade . Conspicuous Gallantry For Saving Life, Rules
Wearing . Good Conduct, Regulations as to 934 Humane Society's . . 939. 960 Order in which to be worn . 829 Royal National Lifeboat Insti- tution ..... Royal Naval Reserve, Long Ser- vice and Good Conduct . Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Long Service .... Royal United Service Rules and Statutes as to . Medical Consultative Board Medical Department, Director- General of Medical Director-General, Depart- ment of
Medical Establishments, Dispensers at 564 Medical Establishments, Principal
and other Officers of the . . 554 Medical Examining Board . . 542
.221a . 813 .147a . 799
. 775
.236a" . 813
762, 930
761, 928
924 962 925 542
Medical Officers —
Employed on Kecruiting Service 264 Entry of, Kegulations as to . 866 List of, in Seniority . . .168 Reserve of, list . . . 722a
Reserve of Regulations . . 867 Medical Officers, Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . .691 Medical Requirements for Candidates
for Commissions in the Royal Navy 864 Megaw, Ronald, Memorial Prize . 854 Mercantile Fleet Auxiliaries, List of. 402/ Mercantile Marine, Board of Trade
Certificate for . . .939
Merchant Vessels Commissioned as
H.M. Ships. List of . . .402a Merchant Vessels, Royal Naval
Reserve 417
Merit. Order of .... 752
Midshipmen, List of, in Seniority . I47g Militia, Australian Naval . . 584, 590 Miscellaneous Circulars, Memor- anda, etc. .... 939 Mobilisation Division of Admiralty
War Staff 532
Motor Boat Reserve . . . .530(1 Museum, Naval and Dockyard, Ports- mouth 547
Music, Royal Naval School of . . 263 Nautical Almanac Office . . , 540 Naval Aides-de-Camp to the King . 78 Naval Artillery Volunteers, Royal
(late) List of Officers of . . 731 Naval Attaches . . . .532
Naval Barracks, Chatham (see
-under ' Pembroke ') Naval Barracks, Devonport (see
under 'Vivid') Naval Barracks, Portsmouth (see
under ' Victory ') Naval Cadets —
Entry of, from ' Conway,' under
New Scheme . . . .863 Regulations as to Entry of 856 & 863 Regulations while at Osborne and Dartmouth .... 860 Naval and Dockyard Museum,
Portsmouth 547
Naval Education, Director of" . . 540 Naval Education, Office and Staff
of Director of 557
Naval Equerries to the King . . 78 Naval Forces, Dominion (see Dominion Naval Forces)
Naval Instructors —
List of, in Seniority . . . 166
Naval Instructors, Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . . 672
Naval Nursing Service, Queen Alexandra's Royal —
Nursing Service . . . 563
Order in Council as to . . 947 Order in Council as to Reserve of Nursing Sisters for . . 94f
Naval Ordnance Department . . 944
Naval Ordnance, Department of Director of . . . . . 534
Naval Ordnance Depots . . .553a
Naval Pensions —
List of Officers in Receipt of . 738 Rules as to (Officers') . . 910
Naval Prison 566
Naval Reserve Merchant Vessels, Royal 417
Naval Reserve, Royal —
(See Royal Naval Reserve.)
Naval Retirements —
General Rules as to . . .814 Previous to 1870, Rules as to . 820
Naval Store Department . . .533a
Naval Torpedo Depots . . . .553Z>
Naval Uniforms —
For Men 839
For Officers . . . .828
Naval Wing of Royal Flying Corps,
Pay of 781a
Navigating Lieutenants, Retired, List
of, in Seniority .... 667
Navigating Sub- Lieutenants, Retired,
List of, in Seniority . . . 669
Navigation Department . . . 533
Navigation School (see under ' Dryad ')
Navy and Prize Agents . . 957
Newman Memorial Fund and Prize . 854
Numbers of Officers allowed, on Active List . . . . 823
Numbers of Officers, Royal Naval Reserve 826
Nursing Service, Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval —
Nursing Staff of 563
Order in Council as to . . 944 Order in Council as to Reserve of Nursing Sisters for . . 947
Obituary 963
(Far Officers and Men killed in action xe.e also p. 82.)
Observatory, Cape of Good Hope . 540
Observatory, Royal, Greenwich . 540 Office of Admiral Commanding Coast
Guard and Reserves . . . 423 Officers —
Emergency List of , 721
Honorary, in His Majesty's Fleet 80
Numbers Allowed on Active List 823
Ogilvy Medal . . . . 854
Operations Division of Admiralty
War Staff .... 532
Order, Distinguished Service —
Companions of . . . . 757J Statutes of .... 929
Order, Imperial Service, Companions
of 757a
Order of Merit 752
Order of St. Michael and St. George,
Knights of .752a
Order of St. Patrick, Knight of . 744
Order of the Bath —
Knights, etc., of . . . .744 Qualifications for , . . 925 Order of the Garter, Knights of. . 744 Order of the Indian Empire, Knights
etc., of 753Z>
Order of the Star of India, Knights,
etc., of 752a
Order of the Thistle, Knight of . 744
Order, Roval Victorian, Knights, etc.,
of 754
Orders —
Lists of Knights and Com- panions of ... . 744 Order in which to be worn . 829
Rules and Statutes as to . . 925 Orders, Foreign —
Officers Authorised to Wear on all occasions .... 763
Ordnance Board .... 542 Ordnance Department, Naval . . 944 Ordnance, Department of Director of
Naval 534
Ordnance Depots . . . .553a Osborne, Convalescent Home for Officers . . . (see cover)
Osborne, Royal Naval College . |
. 560 |
Pay- |
Full, Scale of |
. 773 |
Half, Declarations for |
. 807 |
Half, Scale of |
. 793 |
Retired, Declarations for |
. 807 |
Retired,"Scale of |
. 797 |
Surveying .... |
. 781 |
Paymasters, District, Coast Guard .428a Paymasters in Chief, List of, in
Seniority 179
Retired, List of, in Seniority . 698 Paymasters, List of, in Seniority . 186 Paymasters, Retired, List of, in
Seniority ..... 702 Paymasters who have served as
Secretaries 178
Payments in Addition to Wages . 788 Pensions —
Commissioned Warrant Officers, Warrant Officers, Chief and other Officers of Coast Guard, Scale of . . . .813
For Relatives of Officers . . 906 For Wounds, Officers Holding . 737 Good Service, Officers Holding . 736 Good Service, Rules as to . . 909 Greenwich Hospital, Officers in
Receipt of . . . .739 Greenwich Hospital, Rules as to 910 Greenwich Hospital, Seamen and
Marines .... 914
Greenwich Hospital, Widows and
Relatives . . . 915
Naval, Officers in Receipt of . 738 Naval, Rules as to . . . 910 Seamen's Naval (Long Service) . 912 Travers, Officers in Receipt of . 743 Travers, Rules as to . . .911 Widows, Scale of 893
Physical Requirements for Candidates
for Commissions in the Royal Navy 864, Physical Training, School of (see
under 'Victory') Physicians, Honorary, to the King . 79 Portsmouth Naval and Dockyard Museum 547
Prison, Naval —
Bodmin 562
Prize Agents for Naval Officers. . 957 Prize Money, Proclamation as to . 952 Prizes Advertised for Payment . . 957 Prizes, Testimonials, etc., List of . 854 Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service —
Nursing Staff .... 563
Order in Council as to . . 944
Order in Council as to Reserve
of Nursing Sisters for . . 947
Rank and Command . . .949
PAGE Rank, Eelative, of Officers of Navy
and Army ..... 950 Rank, Relative, of Royal Indian
Marine Officers . . . .951J Rear-Admirals, List of, in Seniority . 88 Rear- Admirals, Retired, List of . . 632 Recruiting Service, Officers Employed
on 264
Red Cross, Royal . . .7576, 928 Registrars of Royal Naval Reserve .517 Registry, Admiralty .... 570 Regulations —
Assistant Clerks, Entry of . . 875 Boy Artificers .... 884 Chaplains, Entry of . . . 865 "Conway," Entry of Cadets from. 863 Dockyard Apprentices . . 885 Emergency Officers . . . 942 Foreign Orders .... 925 Head Schoolmasters . . . 939 Levees ..... 944 Medals, for Saving Life, as to
Wearing 938
Medals, Humane Society, as to
Wearing 938
Medical Officers, Entry of .865
Medical Officers for Temporary
Service, Entry of . . . 867 Naval Cadets, Entry and Train- ing of 855
Ordnance Department, Naval . 944 Physical Requirements for Entry 863 Rank and Command . . . 948 Reserve of Accountant Officers . 921 Reserve of Marine Officers . 942
Reserve of Medical Officers . 867 Retired Officers, Called Out or
under Training . . . 941 Retired Officers, Voluntarily Re- employed . . . .941 Retirement, General . . .814 Retirement, Marine Officers .819a Retirement, Naval Officers . . 814 Retirement, previous to 1870 . 820 Royal Indian Marine . . .951b
Royal Marines < „fi .
Royal Naval Reserve (Officers) . 917 R.N.R. & R.N.V.R. Decoration
and Medal . . . 923-4 Uniform, Naval Officers . . 828 Uniform, Petty Officers, Men and
Bovs ... .838
PAGE Regulations — contd.
Uniform, Royal Marines . ,951ft War Colleges . . ' . .948
Relative Rank of Officers of Navy
and Army ..... 950 Relative Rank of Royal Indian Marine
Officers 951ft
Removals from Active List . . 964 Reserve Merchant Vessels, Royal
Naval ....*.. 417 Reserve of Marine Officers .722* Reserve of Marine Officers, Regula- tions for 942
Reserve of Medical Officers —
List of 722a
Regulations for .... 867 Reserve of Nursing Sisters for Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service —
Order in Council as to . . 947 Reserve, Royal Naval —
{See Royal Naval Reserve.)
Reserve, Royal Naval Volunteer . 521
Decoration for Officers . . 923
Medal for Long Service . . 924
Reserves, Coast Guard and, Office of
Admiral Commanding . . . 423
Retired Lists 629
Retired Officers —
Alphabetical List of . . 597
List of, in Seniority . . 629
Regulations as to, called out or
under Training . . . 941 Royal Marines, List of . . 705 Voluntary Re-employment of . 941 Retired Pay —
Declaration Form . . . 807 Officers Discharged to, from
Foreign Service . . .811 Officers Discharged to, from
Home Service . . .812
Procedure for Placing on . .810
Royal Marines .... 804
Royal Navy . . . .797
Retirements —
General Rules as to . . .814 Marine Officers, General Rules as
to 819a
Naval Officers, General Rules as
to 814
Previous to 1870, Rules as to . 820 Roman Catholic Chaplains . . 166 Ronald Megaw Memorial Prize . 854
Rotely Educational Grants . . 973
PAGE Royal Corps of Naval Constructors . 543 Royal Flying Corps . .431